Student Projects

Student Projects

The Hart Leadership Program has a long history of exemplary student work, and we are proud to showcase here a selection of student research projects, internships, and honors theses dating back to 2011. Below, you can explore nearly 400 student projects, filtering by project type, Hart program affiliated with the project, thematic topics, project locations, and project years. The database does not provide the full text of students' projects, but it does provide abstracts of student work wherever available, as well as more information including students' class year and, when applicable, the name of the community partner organization a student worked with to conduct their internship or research. We will continue to expand the database as our students continue conducting phenomenal projects. In the meantime, use the search function below to explore our incredible students' work, and get inspired!

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Internship with You Can Vote

Catherine interned for the non-partisan voter registration organization You Can Vote (YCV) in the summer of 2020, helping them with their outreach to Hispanic citizens across the state and also translating some of YCV’s informational materials into Spanish. Catherine also worked on her senior thesis for International Comparative Studies during …

Internships with Population Connection and Mobilization for Justice

Maya spent the first part of her summer working as an Environmental Education intern at Population Connection, a nonprofit organization which promotes education of young people about world population and other progressive issues. She was also a Student Legal Intern at Mobilization for Justice, serving the legal needs of vulnerable …

Communications Fellowship with NCSEA

As a communications fellow at the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association and also a Stanback Intern, Nadia researched and wrote pieces about the clean energy industry in North Carolina during the summer of 2020. Nadia also helped author a report during the summer and fall of 2020, in collaboration with …

Internship with Melissa Price Kromm of NC for Clean Elections

Sydney collaborated with Thea Dowrich in working with Melissa Price Kromm of NC for Clean Elections on research into how formerly incarcerated might secure voting rights more consistently upon finishing parole in NC. Sydney also created an anti-racism book club over the summer in the immediate wake of George Floyd’s …

Evaluating the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative in New Jersey

As an undergraduate student at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, I was awarded a grant to conduct community-based research during the summer of 2019. This research experience was part of a larger program called the Service Opportunities in Leadership Program, one of several experiences sponsored by the Hart …

Federal Policy Responses: Providing Housing for Rhode Island’s Senior Population

One of the biggest challenges facing Rhode Island and the rest of the country is the lack of affordable housing. According to recently released States of the Nation’s Housing 2019 by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, in 2017 only 4 million units were affordable and available …