Student Projects

Student Projects

The Hart Leadership Program has a long history of exemplary student work, and we are proud to showcase here a selection of student research projects, internships, and honors theses dating back to 2011. Below, you can explore nearly 400 student projects, filtering by project type, Hart program affiliated with the project, thematic topics, project locations, and project years. The database does not provide the full text of students' projects, but it does provide abstracts of student work wherever available, as well as more information including students' class year and, when applicable, the name of the community partner organization a student worked with to conduct their internship or research. We will continue to expand the database as our students continue conducting phenomenal projects. In the meantime, use the search function below to explore our incredible students' work, and get inspired!

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Preliminary Research Findings on Greywater and Wastewater Reuse Projects in the West Bank

Aim: Assess the failure mechanisms for off-grid greywater and wastewater reuse projects in the West Bank Objectives: Evaluate on-the-ground failure mechanisms through telephone surveys with project beneficiaries Identify financial and institutional structures linked to failure mechanisms through interviews with NGO, governmental, and aid agency stakeholders

Labors of Love: Changes in Familial and Personal Networks of Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

Filipino women migrate to join the domestic labor industry for economic reasons: Abroad, they can find better work with better pay. When these workers arrive in Hong Kong, however, they often find it difficult to adapt or meet the newfound pressures there are placed on them. Among other issues, workers …

Development Fundraising and Donor Relations Internship for Arena Stage Theatre

[Abstract not currently available.]

Researching Best Practices to Create a New DCPS Arts Curriculum

[Abstract not currently available.]

Programming, Publicity, and Community Engagement

[Abstract not currently available.]

Addressing Energy Poverty in Rural, Low-Income Bulgarian Households

Problem Statement: Bulgaria is considered to be one of the most energy poor Eastern European countries. Bulgaria is not only located in one of Europe’s poorest regions, but is also in an area with very cold winters. The transition from a command economy to a market-based system resulted in an …