Examining the Sanctuary Model in Community Foster Care


Research Question

How does the Sanctuary Model complement the models already used by the Crossnore School and Children’s Home to train foster parents?

The Crossnore School and Children’s Home has been working on becoming a Sanctuary-certified organization for a year and a half. The Sanctuary Model is a trauma-informed model for human service delivery organizations that involves commitments to working and learning together to address complex problems. Foster parents greatly contribute to Crossnore’s mission, but they have not received much training in the Sanctuary Model.

Therefore, by answering my research question, I will be helping Crossnore incorporate the Sanctuary Model into the curriculums they already use to train their foster parents. By analyzing the overlapping elements of the Sanctuary Model and the other two models they use to teach their training classes (Trauma Informed Partnering for Safety and Performance Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting and Together Facing the Challenge), I will make recommendations on how to incorporate the Sanctuary Model into these classes. By analyzing the important elements that do not overlap, I will make recommendations on how to create a separate training session that solely focuses on the Sanctuary Model’s most essential components.