Voter Disenfranchisement and Supreme Court Representation


Dora worked with PEP fellow Jack Rubenstein to track the plethora of restrictive voting laws that have been passed since the election of 2020. They created a website that mapped the varied laws across competing jurisdictions the nation that were disfranchising citizens or making it harder for citizens to vote and delivered it to the Chairman of the State Board of Elections in June 2021. In the summer of 2021, Dora also began her senior thesis research on the question of exactly how representative the Supreme Court bench is. Building on the research of former SOL fellow Amelia Steinbach, Dora researched how representative the appointment of each Supreme Court Justice has been since 2000. As she did when delivering the website to the State Board of Elections, Dora had public goods in mind when performing her research, using data to determine how many people are truly represented by the 21st Century Supreme Court Bench.