Engaging Asian-American Community Health Needs


Carina Lei participated in a nine-week internship program called Project AHEAD at Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (CBWCHC) in New York City. The internship focused on conducting a community health needs assessment (CHNA) for Asian/American seniors in NYC, particularly vulnerable post-COVID-19. This assessment included a literature review, surveys, interviews, and data synthesis, leading to four key takeaways and associated recommendations. The recommendations aimed to enhance linguistic and cultural care, increase health education, strengthen collaborations with community-based organizations, and address the impact of COVID-19 and anti-Asian hate on seniors’ health.

The detailed report and presentation were shared with the CBWCHC Board of Directors and senior staff, informing future senior care planning. Carina reflected on the data-heavy summer, highlighting the nuances of community engagement in research: both the interconnected nature of community health and the difficulties associated with the traditional researcher-researched power dynamic. Carina advocated for a more holistic understanding of health as well-being, recognizing the community’s role in defining and providing good health, and underscored the necessity of partnerships with community-based organizations and openness to changing perspectives for effective community health research.