Ashley Bae

Ashley Bae

Class of 2024 | Hart Fellowship


Ashley is from Leesburg, Virginia and graduated with a degree in public policy and cultural anthropology, with a minor in global health. On campus, Ashley served as the Executive Vice President of Duke Student Government and President of Duke KAjok, Duke’s Korean American student organization. In her free time, Ashley enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, watching Korean dramas, and cooking.
Ashley will spend her Hart Fellowship year in Detroit, Michigan, partnering with Detroit Justice Center (DJC). DJC is a movement lawyering organization seeking to build community power for those who call Detroit home. In partnership with the Detroit Justice Center, Ashley aims to explore visions for thriving communities beyond incarceration, policing, and economic exploitation. Through immersing herself in a city with such rich and diverse community organizing history, Ashley hopes to contribute to and learn from the Detroit community in meaningful and energizing ways.