A Summary of Factors Predicting Housing and Income Outcomes of Clients Applying for Disability Benefits


Homeless people in San Diego have disproportionate rates of disability – 65% of homeless adult individuals in the San Diego region had a disabling condition, compared to only 42% of homeless individuals nationally and 19% of all U.S. individuals nationally (Development, 2010) (Homeless, 2012). St. Vincent de Paul Village (the Village) addresses the needs of clients with disabilities by helping them gain income in the form of disability benefits, as well as acquire permanent housing. Our research aims to help the Village improve housing and income outcomes by answering the following questions:

  • What factors predict whether clients recommended for the Benefits Track go to permanent
    housing, instead of the street or temporary housing?
  • What factors predict whether or not clients participating in the Homeless Outreach Program for
    Entitlement (HOPE) apply and are approved for disability benefits?
  • What factors do Assessment Center staff think are important in assigning clients to the Benefits