Family Health Ministries: A Community Perspective


Background: Family Health Ministries (FHM) is a non-profit organization based in Durham, North Carolina that provides support to international healthcare providers.  Currently, FHM concentrates all its efforts in Haiti and has established two healthcare clinics in addition to supporting an orphanage.

FHM’s first clinic is in Leogane, Haiti, where the work is devoted solely to cervical cancer prevention.  Since 1993, FHM has provided over 10,000 free cervical cancer (HPV) screenings to women in Leogane, Haiti.  Currently, the organization is in the process of preparing to build a research health center for women and children in Leogane.  The health center will not only be a ground for continued research that will benefit the Haitian community, but it will also serve as a place for women and children to receive specialized care in mental health, surgery, maternal health, pediatrics, and more.

Despite being in Haiti for almost 18 years, the FHM has yet to conduct any type of community assessment to collect opinions of the community members on FHM services.  Therefore, this research was designed to help the members of the Leogane community share their opinions with FHM.  This organization will not be able to provide appropriate care without open communication and knowing what the community needs and wants.  Identifying what the community thinks of the organization and the services it provides will help FHM discern whether or not it is meeting its own objectives to build long-lasting relationships with underserved individuals, families, and communities.

Question: What do the women of the Leogane community think of how Family Health Ministries operates to provide healthcare to women and children?

Resulting Hypothesis:  Women in the Leogane community do not really know of Family Health Ministries, but have encountered FHM’s services.  They think that healthcare NGOs are helpful, would prefer free services, prefer American medical personnel, but trust that FHM will make the right decisions in terms of providing care to people in Leogane.