Student Self-Determination in the Summer Research Initiative


I. Self-Determination

“All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.”
— Article I, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, UN General Assembly

What is self-determination?

How individuals interact with opportunities to improve their prospects of getting what they need and want in life

“Self-determined people know and can express their needs, interests, and abilities. They set appropriate goals and expectations for themselves. They make choices and plans in pursuit of these goals. They follow through with actions, and if necessary, they change course or adjust to achieve their desired goals effectively.”
—American Institutes for Research

Self-determination depends on 1) capacity and 2) opportunity.

  • Capacity: students’ knowledge, abilities, and perceptions that enable them to be self-determined and feel good about it
  • Opportunity: students’ chances to use their knowledge and abilities (at home, and at school)

“The discrepancy between the right and the experience of self-determination depends on one’s capacity and opportunity to choose and enact choice in pursuit of one’s needs and interests.”

II. Self-Determination in the Summer Research Initiative


“As someone who owes her past (and continued) journey of self-actualization largely to experiences she’s had in school, Sarah is very interested in how curricula and classroom opportunities can help foster students’ identity* development.”
— Excerpt from biography on the SOL website

Research Question

How does participating in the Summer Research Initiative affect the students’ sense of self-determination and motivation?

Based on testimonials of past participants, the literature review, and my personal experiences in experiential learning programs, I hypothesized that participating in the SRI would have a positive impact on student motivation and self-determination.