Voter Disenfranchisement and Climate Justice Discourse


Jack worked closely with PEP fellow Dora Pekec to track the plethora of restrictive voting laws that have been passed since the election of 2020. They created a website that mapped the varied laws across competing jurisdictions across the nation that were disfranchising citizens or making it harder for citizens to vote and delivered it to the Chairman of the State Board of Elections, Damon Circosta in June 2021. Jack also worked on an exciting a plan for democratizing and decentralizing access to renewable energy, a public facing resource that makes renewable energy accessible, all of it framed through the lens of climate justice, which ironically is perceived as an elitist discourse. Jack worked with various partners in the Duke community and Durham area during the past year, including folks at the Nicholas School of the Environment, Sanford School of Public Policy, and Sunrise Movement Durham.