Student Projects

Student Projects

The Hart Leadership Program has a long history of exemplary student work, and we are proud to showcase here a selection of student research projects, internships, and honors theses dating back to 2011. Below, you can explore nearly 400 student projects, filtering by project type, Hart program affiliated with the project, thematic topics, project locations, and project years. The database does not provide the full text of students' projects, but it does provide abstracts of student work wherever available, as well as more information including students' class year and, when applicable, the name of the community partner organization a student worked with to conduct their internship or research. We will continue to expand the database as our students continue conducting phenomenal projects. In the meantime, use the search function below to explore our incredible students' work, and get inspired!

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Program: Hart Fellowship

The Implementation and Impact of Family Reintegration in Battambang District, Cambodia

There are 600.000 orphans and 328,000 vulnerable children (OVC) in Cambodia (MOSVY/NAA). Although this figure has remained relatively constant, the number of residential care centers has grown 75% in the last 10 years. According to the most recent estimates, 11,112 children were residing in 216 orphanages (Sophannara, 2012). Only 28% …

Dealing with a Different Desert: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Thar

Although climate change is occurring on a global scale, its most acute effects are felt locally. Subsistence farmers in the developing world are especially vulnerable, because not only are they exposed to the largest geophysical and ecological changes but also they face large social barriers, often related to poverty, that …

How the Social Situation of Indigenous Australians Impacts and Interacts With Their Health Status

[Abstract not currently available.]

The Impact of Art and Theater on the People Who Make Up Hua Dan

[Abstract not currently available.]

The State of Capetonian Township Education From Student Perspective

South Africa is one of the most socially fascinating countries I’ve studied, which I attribute to its wealth of diversity, and its still recent history of systemic inequality. Such conditions, in my opinion, make for very interesting dialogues at the intersections of race, culture, socioeconomic status, etc. Over the years …

Explaining the Continued Presence of Orphanages in Battambang Province, Cambodia

According to a 2009 UNICEF statistic, there are an estimated 630,000 orphans in Cambodia. 12,000 children currently reside in orphanages.   Although some institutions provide services specific to the needs of certain populations of vulnerable children (victims of sexual trafficking, HIV, street children, and children with disabilities), a 2011 UNICEF report …