Advikaa Anand

Advikaa Anand

Class of 2026 | Service Opportunities in Leadership (SOL)


Advikaa Anand is a junior from Madison, Mississippi studying Public Policy and Economics. She is especially interested in health policy and passionate about the issue of reproductive justice. In the summer before college, Advikaa covered the overturning of Roe for two local newspapers. While at Duke, she has worked with a women’s health startup to facilitate their advocacy efforts for comprehensive access to abortion and birth control and also interned at 120/80 Group, the nation’s leading digital health consultancy. As a result of these efforts, Advikaa was invited to speak on a panel at SXSW EDU to reflect on her experiences accessing reproductive healthcare in higher education spaces. On campus, she serves as a Managing Editor and columnist for the Duke Chronicle, Vice President of Communications for the Public Policy Majors’ Union, and a research assistant for the Nicholas School of the Environment’s Environmental Justice Lab. In her free time, you’ll find her listening to Bollywood music and eating good food with her friends and family.