Student Projects

Student Projects

The Hart Leadership Program has a long history of exemplary student work, and we are proud to showcase here a selection of student research projects, internships, and honors theses dating back to 2011. Below, you can explore nearly 400 student projects, filtering by project type, Hart program affiliated with the project, thematic topics, project locations, and project years. The database does not provide the full text of students' projects, but it does provide abstracts of student work wherever available, as well as more information including students' class year and, when applicable, the name of the community partner organization a student worked with to conduct their internship or research. We will continue to expand the database as our students continue conducting phenomenal projects. In the meantime, use the search function below to explore our incredible students' work, and get inspired!

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Topic: Climate, Conservation, & the Natural Environment

Resilient Communities Advocacy Fellowship at the NRDC

Coral Lin researched equitable climate metrics in order to measure the impacts in the BIPOC and frontline communities the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) seeks to engage with. She highlighted the importance of using both quantitative and qualitative (think storytelling and community testimonials) data to measure outcomes, as well as …

Reaching Diverse Populations Through Audience Intelligence

My project title was “Reaching Diverse Populations Through Audience Intelligence.” Its focus was using audience intelligence software to investigate the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) audience diversity on social media, comparable organizations’ practices, and ways to reach diverse groups.

Integrating Environmental Economics and Political Messaging to Pass Climate Policy

[Abstract not currently available.]

Environmental Justice in the Urban Environment

Duke’s Environmental Justice Lab conducts projects in partnership with community non-profits to assess gentrification and housing trends in Durham, NC. Zoë’s research focused on parcel-level analysis of affordable housing interventions to highlight next steps for community partners to protect the city’s affordable housing stock.

Participatory Planning for Environmental Justice

Urban planning historically has contributed to harm for environmental justice communities, marginalizing voices rather than inviting meaningful partnership. This research project explored implementation of Sherry Arnstein’s “Ladder of Participation” (1969) to redistribute power to environmental justice communities. Focusing on participatory models which emphasize the assets that communities bring to the …

A Guide to Building Diverse Hubs for the Sunrise Movement

Research Question: Why are regional hubs for the Sunrise Movement overwhelmingly white and wealthy, and how can these hubs diversify and include more perspectives at the table?