On February 27th, Brendan McCartney, Maddy Bolger, Jennifer Colton, Research Service-Learning students from Professor Goss’s Fall 2014 Politics of Public Policy course, attended the North Carolina Political Science Association’s annual conference. They presented their research on the effects of the Voter Information Verification Act of 2014. Their research, conducted through exit polling on Election Day in partnership with community partner Democracy North Carolina, revealed the difficulties that the law placed on Duke students planning to vote. Due to new regulations like the splitting of Duke into two precincts, the removal of on-campus polling places, and the elimination of out-of-precinct voting, many Duke students found themselves unable to vote in the midterm elections. Professor Goss’s group presented to a room-full of students conducting similar research at other universities and political scientists interested in the topic. You can read about Profossor Goss’s class here.